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Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe


The community of researchers across the participating institutes forms the research core of the Centre, each member having access to facilities and support through competitive calls – learn more on membership here. The Directorate manages all operations of the Centre and implements its research strategy, which is established and managed by the Steering Committee and Spoke Leaders.

Staff Photo Name Job titles Email address
Emily Mitchell (Dr) Associate Director, NERC Independent Research Fellow, Assistant Professor and Curator of Invertebrates
Didier Queloz (Professor) Director, Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy
Nicholas Tosca (Professor) Associate Director, Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Selen Etingü (Dr) LCLU Centre and Programme Manager
Alison Read PA to Professor Didier Queloz, LCLU Administration Assistant
Steering Committee
Staff Photo Name Job titles Email address
Professor Alex Archibald Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry
Professor Tim Lewens Professor of Philosophy of Science
Professor Nikku Madhusudhan Professor of Astrophysics and Exoplanetary Science
Professor Oliver Shorttle Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Institute of Astronomy and Department of Earth Sciences
Alex J.W.Thom University Associate Professor in Theoretical Chemistry
Professor Helen M. Williams Professor of Geochemistry
Professor Mark Wyatt Professor of Astrophysics and co-Director of the Institute of Astronomy
Spoke Leaders
Staff Photo Name Job titles Email address
Professor Carol Cleland Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder
Professor Matthew Powner Professor of Organic Chemistry, University College London
Professor Sascha P. Quanz Associate Professor for Exoplanets and Habitability, ETH Zurich
Dr William Storrar Director of the Centre of Theological Inquiry
Professor Robin Wordsworth Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, Harvard University