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Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe

Participants of the LCLU Annual Science Day

The Science Day aims to bring together research relevant to Life in the Universe across all departments in Cambridge in a series of talks and feature keynotes from LCLU members.

This year the event will take place on 21 March 2025 at Robinson College, Crausaz Wordsworth Building, Adams Road, Cambridge.

There will be room for posters, time for breaks to get to know each other, and refreshments including lunch and a drinks reception. The event is open (and free!) to all.

Registration and abstract submission will close on 7 March 2025. Please fill in the registration form if you would like to attend.

Talks and posters
If you wish to present a talk or poster, please send the completed abstract in .pdf or .doc format to before 7 March 2025.  Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and are limited to 1 page A4, size 12 font.

The programme for this years Science Day will be available in February.

To read about reflections on the Annual Science Day 2024 see our news story.

The see the programme for the event in 2024.


For any questions please contact the organisers