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Leverhulme Centre for Life in the Universe


To be eligible for LCLU summer internship programme, you must meet the following criteria:               

  • Have, or expect to have, and be able to prove your right to live and work full time in the UK for the duration of the programme. Right to Work checks will be carried out for successful applicants.
  • Have completed or be in the penultimate or final year of undergraduate study.
  • Have achieved, or be on track to achieve, a final undergraduate degree grade of a strong 2:1 or 1st in a subject that falls under the LCLU remit. If your transcript shows year-on-year grade progression towards the upper range of a 2:1 or above, we encourage you to apply.
  • Have an interest in undertaking a postgraduate research degree (MPhil or PhD) in a LCLU subject.
  • Not have already completed, or be currently studying, a postgraduate research degree (e.g. MPhil, DPhil, PhD, etc.) or have an offer to start a postgraduate research degree
  • Meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • have been in receipt of free school meals at secondary school
    • be in the first generation of your family to study at undergraduate level  
    • have been a young carer under the age of 18 or have/ had caring responsibilities during your undergraduate study (providing unpaid support for a family who has a physical or mental health condition, or misuses substances)
    • have entered university at undergraduate level from a care background or as a Foyer resident
    • be estranged from your parents/guardians
    • be either a single parent, or lone guardian of a young person who is aged under 18 and/or is still in full-time education

This programme is not open to applicants who have are at or have  previously studied at the University of Cambridge.

We also encourage applications from candidates who:

  • receive/ received the maximum Maintenance Loan for undergraduate study
  • have refugee status
  • are not studying at a Russell Group university

LCLU PhD programme welcomes applications from candidates who identify as belonging to groups that are underrepresented. These include those who identify as belonging to one of the groups highlighted below:


Asian or Asian British

  • Bangladeshi or Bangladeshi British
  • Pakistani or Pakistani British
  • Any other Asian background  

Black, Black British, Caribbean or African

  • Black - African or African British
  • Black - Caribbean or Caribbean British
  • Any other Black background

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

  • White or White British and Black Caribbean or Black Caribbean British
  • Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background


  • White - English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish or British
  • Any other White background (including Gypsy, Irish Traveller, Irish and Roma)

Other ethnic groups

  • Arab